AgriFutures Update

Rice Research, Development & Extension Update
Presented by: Tich Pfumayaramba, Manager, Levied Industries (Rice), AgriFutures

The current Rice Research, Development, and Extension (RD&E) Plan runs from 2021 to 2026, with the key goal of increasing the Australian rice industry’s water productivity to an average of 1.5 t/ML by 2026.

Mid-Term Review
A mid-term review of the RD&E Plan was completed by Steve Thomas, focusing on assessing progress towards these targets. The review process involved:

  • A desktop review of relevant project information.
  • Consultation with growers, agronomists, researchers, and industry representatives.
  • A final report and summary, now available to the public [here].

Key Findings from the Review
The target of achieving 1.5 t/ML is widely supported by the industry, though with certain considerations:

  • Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Targets: While there is broad industry support, a recommendation was made to focus on a 30% increase in WUE across the sector.
  • Critical Baselines: Accurate and regionally relevant WUE, greenhouse gas (GHG), and yield baselines are essential to measure progress.
  • Investment Processes: While investment processes are generally well developed, improvements in communication and reporting, as well as more grower and advisor input, are needed.
  • Investment Alignment: The current investment portfolio aligns well with the budget allocations in the RD&E Plan, particularly in genetics and irrigation research, which are vital to achieving transformational change.
  • Project Integration: To reach the 1.5 t/ML goal, coordination of multiple project outputs is necessary. This includes the development of a strategic framework and mapping of current and new investments.

Moving Forward
The Rice RD&E Program is working to implement the 30 recommendations from the review, adjusting the Program as needed. The focus will remain on supporting growers to achieve the 1.5 t/ML target or a 30% increase in water use efficiency.

Future Research Calls
New research investments will be made through targeted calls, focusing on identified gaps. With several ongoing projects, the next call for new investment opportunities is expected next year.

For more information and to access the mid-term review summary, click [here].