Cosmos Minor-Use Permit

The following permit has been issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA):


Permit Number


Date Issued

Expiry Date


Permit holder


Cosmos Insecticidal Seed Treatment (fipronil) / rice / rice bloodworm



New minor-use permit.

Issued for NSW and WA only.

Fipronil is currently under review by APVMA. The outcome of the review may impact this permit.

APVMA requires residue data to support the permit renewal or registration.

Rice Research Aust P/L / AgAware


Please take a look at the permit here.

All efforts have been made to provide the most current, complete and accurate information on these permits; however, we recommend that you confirm the details of these permits at the following APVMA website:

If you need any 'poor performance' information from APVMA, please complete their Adverse Experience Report Form. This can be found at


Users are advised that while the pesticide can be applied legally under the APVMA minor use permit, there can be a significant delay until the MRL gazetted by the APVMA is adopted in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.

Until this occurs, the MRL may not be recognised, and zero tolerance may be imposed for residues of the pesticide resulting from its use according to the APVMA permit.

Please be aware that in the absence of an MRL in the Food Standards Code, the use of the pesticide according to the permit may result in the suspension of the produce in the marketplace. Please check the FSANZ website at: to confirm if there are MRL established by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.