SunRice Grower of the Year

The Ultimate Award for the Rice Industry

About the award

The SunRice Grower of the Year Award is the ultimate award that recognises innovation, new technology, and the latest research outcomes adopted in the rice industry.

A nomination form must be submitted, with successful finalists to continue to on farm judging. A judging panel will assess the finalist farms against set criteria (see below) during a two hour farm tour and interview.  


  1. A business can nominate itself or be nominated by someone else.

  2. Nominees can be from farm businesses growing a minimum of 25 ha of rice (including share farmers) demonstrating high levels of achievement in the rice farm operation areas including:

    • Production and Agronomy.

    • Innovation and Technology.

    • Business Management.

    • WH&S.

    • Sustainability.

    • Industry and/or Community Involvement.

  3. Yield and quality results will be obtained via SunRice records.

  4. Nominations will be judged on the whole business not on a farm or crop basis.

  5. Board members and employees of SunRice and RGA and Rice Extension employees are ineligible to nominate.


The SunRice Grower of the Year Winner receives:

  • An individual award and recognition on the industry honour roll.

  • $5000 to be spent on personal or business development.

  • Two complimentary tickets to the 2024 Australian Rice Industry Dinner and Awards event.

  • Member of the 2025 judging panel.

  • Nomination for the Australian Farmer of the Year Award (Kondinin Group).



For further information or points of clarification please contact:

Jessica Sturgess, Rice Extension Program Communications

0497 550 952 |

Apply today

To apply download the editable pdf. nomination form below, complete all the questions, save, and email to prior to applications closing to be eligible.

Applications close 5pm, Friday 14th June 2024.


The Process

Stage 1: All entries are to be on the nomination form below and include a high-resolution photo to be supplied as part of the application for the grower of the year.

Stage 2: Preliminary judging by a panel of three judges using the applicant’s nomination form. Nominations will be reduced to a maximum of 5 businesses (preliminary finalists) that will move to stage 3. Preliminary Finalists will be announced in June.

Stage 3: On-farm judging. The judging panel then visits each of the preliminary finalists’ farms for a tour and interview of two hours duration. This tour will be held in July 2024. Finalists are encouraged to involve their staff and consultants in the farm tour. The farm tour should focus on those areas that most directly address the Awards Criteria and the areas of strength identified in your initial nomination form.

Stage 4: Two finalists will be announced in July. Finalists will be required to participate in some media and promotional activities. This usually involves responding to requests from your local media and industry-appointed communication representative for interviews, photos, and/or quotes.

The two Finalists will be invited to attend the 2024 Australian Rice Industry Awards Dinner and Events.

* Grower of the Year Field day is no longer a requirement for the winner.

Judging Criteria and Scorecard

Three independent judges, including the previous Grower of the Year, use the below criteria (guide only) to assess the business during the judging process. All judges will sign a confidentiality agreement to encourage full disclosure of the farm business.

2024 Scorecard

On Farm Judging Criteria

The judging panel will visit each of the finalists’ farms for a tour and interview of up to two hours duration.

On-farm judging will be held in July 2024. Nominees are encouraged to involve their staff and consultants in the farm tour.

The farm tour will focus on those areas that most directly address the judging criteria and the areas of strength that have been identified in the initial nomination.

CY22 Winner of the SunRice Grower of the Year

CY22 Grower of the Year was awarded to Neville and Brooke Hollins, Woorak Ag, Burraboi.


John Fowler, 2022 Grower of the Year Judge, said there were several things that set the Hollins apart.

“The Hollins’ had a tidy operation. As their business has grown, they have adapted their business model to suit. They have taken a proactive approach to planning and adapting new technologies and efficiencies, centred around sustainable cropping rotations to ensure viability for the next generation.”

Brooke and Neville expressed their appreciation for being awarded the title.

“This award is an honour; we are truly thrilled to receive it. We do what we do because we love it. We love the highs, the lows, and everything in between. We can’t imagine doing anything else,’ said Mrs. Hollins at the awards dinner.

This award recognises the four generations of rice growers in the Hollins family.

“We tend to just get on with the job, so it has been a great opportunity to stop and reflect on our operation, and feedback from the judges has been valuable.

Watch this short video to see what set the Hollins Family apart.


CY21 Winner of the SunRice Grower of the Year

CY21 Grower of the Year was awarded to Darrell Fiddler, Farm Manager for DeBortoli Wines, Bilbul.

Keeping a close eye on the latest in RD&E is what sets Darrell Fiddler apart from other rice growers and earnt him the accolade of 2021 SunRice Grower of the Year. Darrell is committed to seeking out new information and the best advice from a wide range of operators and experts, which he uses to drive a profitable farm business while balancing the need for sustainability. The judges were impressed by Darrell’s active pursuit of the latest science and technologies, which he adapts to suit his farm business to drive profitable returns. This season he averaged 1.28 t/ML for 130 ha of Reiziq.  

To read more about Darrell click here.

Watch this short video to see what set Darrell Fiddler, Farm Manager for DeBortoli Wines apart.



About SunRice Group

The SunRice Group is a global food group and one of Australia’s leading branded food exporters.

We were formed in 1950 when a group of rice growers pooled their resources in the Riverina region of New South Wales to build a single rice mill. Today, we are listed on the ASX and have grown into one of the largest rice food companies in the world, comprising multiple businesses, assets, and operations across Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, the United States, the Pacific Islands, and Asia.

For over 70 years, we have been transforming nature’s goodness into healthy, enjoyable, and nutritious foods that meet the needs of discerning consumers around the world. In addition to our much-loved rice foods, we offer a diverse portfolio of gourmet, ‘free from’ food products and animal feeds, and nutrition.

For more information visit